Wire Room

Wire Room
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Avanoa Avanoa Wire Room Puʻega faʻamamalu : 04/19/2024 Matamata HD Lalotoso HD
Wire Room

Wire Room 2022

Wire Room 2022

Vaaiga aoao: New recruit Justin Rosa must monitor arms-smuggling cartel member Eddie Flynn — and keep him alive at all costs. When a SWAT team descends on Flynn’s home, Rosa breaks protocol and contacts the gangster directly to save his life. As gunmen break into the Wire Room and chaos erupts, Mueller and Rosa make a final, desperate stand against the corrupt agents and officials who seek to destroy evidence and kill them both.

Matamata Taavale toso Faʻamalolo: Taimi taimi: 97 minute Tulaga lelei: HD IMDb: 4.652 / 10 e 145 tagata faʻaoga Lauiloa: 21.564 Paketi: $0 Tupe maua: $0 Gagana: English, Español



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