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Dostupné formáty Silsilay Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/14/2024 Sledujte HD Stiahnuť ▼ HD


Silsilay 2018

Prehľad:Hira and Abiha have been abandoned by their father (he is a gambler and didn’t want to take daughters’ responsibility) and raised by their mother in khala’s home along with their cousin Jawad. Abiha is in one sided love of Shahzab, he is their neighbor and childhood friend whereas Hira has always pictured a life with Jawad to which Jawad is completely unaware. Jawad has recently returned from US after finishing his studies to start a life in Pakistan, soon his friend Ujala will arrive from US and with his mother’s agreement they will be married. This would leave Hira heartbroken meanwhile Hira’s father will contact her mother and demands to meet his daughters. As story unfolds new events we will see their mother’s struggle to protect them from their father, Abiha’s struggle to progress in job and help her mother with day to day needs and Hina’s resolve with Jawad once she learns about her father’s true intention and Jawad divorces Ujala.

Sledujte Trailer Dátum prvého vysielania: Jan 02, 2018 Dátum posledného vysielania: Jan 02, 2018 Sezóna: 1 Sezóna Epizóda: 1 Epizóda Beh programu: 37:14 minút Kvalita: HD IMDb: 2 / 10 od 1 používateľov Popularita: 7.601 Jazyk: en



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