The Originals

The Originals
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The Originals

The Originals

The Originals 2018

Prehľad:A spin-off from The Vampire Diaries and set in New Orleans, The Originals centers on the Mikaelson siblings, otherwise known as the world's original vampires: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. Now Klaus must take down his protégé, Marcel, who is now in charge of New Orleans, in order to re-take his city, as he originally built New Orleans. Klaus departed from the city after being chased down by his father Mikael, while it was being constructed and Marcel took charge. As Klaus has returned after many years, his ego has provoked him to become the king of the city. "Every King needs an heir" says Klaus, accepting the unborn child. The child is a first to be born to a hybrid and a werewolf.

Sledujte Trailer Dátum prvého vysielania: Oct 03, 2013 Dátum posledného vysielania: Aug 01, 2018 Sezóna: 5 Sezóna Epizóda: 92 Epizóda Beh programu: 45:42 minút Kvalita: HD IMDb: 2.404 / 10 od 3257 používateľov Popularita: 2498.481 Jazyk: en



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