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Dostępne formaty Viper Bezpiecznie skanowane : 05/13/2024 Zegarek HD Pobieranie HD


Viper 1999

Przegląd:Viper is an action-adventure TV series about a special task force set up by the federal government to fight crime in the fictional city of Metro City, California that is perpetually under siege from one crime wave after another. The weapon used by this task force is an assault vehicle that masquerades as a Dodge Viper RT/10 roadster and coupe. The series takes place in "the near future". The primary brand of vehicles driven in the show were Chrysler or subsidiary companies. The Viper Defender "star car" was designed by Chrysler Corporation engineers. The exterior design of the car was produced by Chrysler stylist Steve Ferrerio.

Zegarek Zwiastun filmu Data pierwszej emisji: Jan 02, 1994 Data ostatniej emisji: May 22, 1999 Pora roku: 4 Pora roku Epizod: 78 Epizod Runtime: 60:45 minuty Jakość: HD IMDb: 5.1 / 10 przez 43 użytkowników Popularność: 130.398 Język: en



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