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Formats disponibles Vikings Escanejat segur : 04/28/2024 Veure HD descarregar HD

Vikings - Season 6 Episode 1 New Beginnings

Vikings 2020

Visió general:It’s six months after the battle of Kattegat and Bjorn is now King. As he struggles with the responsibilities of kingship, he finds he can’t rely on his mother. Ivar falls into the hands of the Kievan Rus, and in their ruthless and unpredictable ruler, Prince Oleg, he may finally have met his match.

Veure Tràiler Primera cita aèria: Mar 03, 2013 Data de l'última transmissió: Dec 30, 2020 Temporada: 6 Temporada Episodi: 89 Episodi Temps d'execució: 44:14 minuts Qualitat: HD IMDb: 2.908 / 10 per 6675 usuaris Popularitat: 2029.217 Llenguatge: en



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