Monica & Friends

Monica & Friends
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Beskikbare formate Monica & Friends Veilig geskandeer : 04/28/2024 Kyk HD Aflaai HD
Monica & Friends

Monica & Friends

Monica & Friends 2022

Oorsig:Monica, the leader of the crew and 'ruler of the street,' is a little girl with a strong personality, not one to overlook any insult. She absolutely loves her stuffed bunny, Samson, and takes him with her everywhere. Jimmy Five, one of her best friends, is a smart kid, but he's always provoking her. Maggy is Monica's best friend and a super cute girl, who is always eating watermelons. To complete the show's main quartet, enter Smudge, a skillful boy who is terrified of water.

Kyk Voorskou Eerste lugdatum: Sep 20, 1986 Laaste Air datum: Sep 23, 2022 Seisoen: 12 Seisoen Episode: 291 Episode Looptyd: 7:14 minute Gehalte: HD IMDb: 3.1 / 10 deur 13 gebruikers Gewildheid: 224.304 Taal: pt

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